Food Shelf
For your safety:
- If you are sick, send someone to pick-up your food.
- If you need a mask, we can give you one!
- Additional food resources:
Minnesota Food HelpLine
1-888-711-1151 | hungersolutions.org/find-help
Weekly shopping for free food:
- Monthly food supply: Several days supply of food once per calendar month
- Cleaning supplies
- Personal hygiene, tampons, pads, condoms
- Pet food
- Parent Support:
- Baby food and formula (supply varies)
- Diapers
- Breastmilk - Pasteurized donor human milk bridge bags
- Senior Support: The Nutrition Assistance Program for Seniors (NAPS), also known as "the senior box," is for adults age 60 and up. To apply, call 1-800-365-0270.
Flyers and forms
Food programs - description of services PDF (English, Español)
Community food shelf - printable flyer PDF (English, Español)
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Free Fresh Food Fridays
We are excited to bring back Free Fresh Food Fridays for 2024! Tons of fresh fruits, vegetables, and community resources will be set up on each date, all summer long – rain or shine! Everyone in the community is welcome at this event.
Dates: 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month, May through September
- May 10 & 24
- June 14 &28
- July 12 & 26
- August 9 & 23
- September 13 & 27
Location: NorthPoint main campus, north parking lot, corner of Penn Ave N & 14th Ave N
Learn more:
Volunteer questions and application
Community tabling questions and reservations
Support us
Consider making a financial donation. They help us in several ways.
We can:
- access wholesale and discounted prices so we can stretch your dollar.
- make purchases based on our inventory needs.
- purchase fresh meat, milk, and eggs.
The food we distribute comes from your generosity. Our support comes from the State of Minnesota, various churches, businesses, organizations and individuals that work to ensure everyone has access to healthy food.
Support the Community Food Shelf